LIVE APRIL 25, 2024 AT 12PM ET

Race Fueling

This is the next in the series of bi-monthly Sprint Sessions with Coach Claire.  Learn a new skill each session!

race fueling


Race Fueling

Fueling properly can make the difference between a great race and an awful one.

The science on race fueling has changed massively in the last decade.  Discover how to craft your unique fueling plan in just 30 minutes.

Here are a few points we'll cover:

What should I eat before the race?

Your breakfast sets the stage for a well-fueled race.  We'll explore popular options that are easy on the stomach.

When should I start fueling?

Timing is critical to your fueling plan.  Learn how to space out your fuel.

What kinds of gels/food will work best?

There are so many options out there!  FInd out what you should look for in race fuel.

How much do I really need? And how do I carry it?

Discover the fueling formula that will work for you and the best way to bring it all with you.

Perfect for Real Runners With Busy Lives

The goal with Sprint Sessions is to provide you with the most valuable training in an affordable, efficient way.

Whether you watch live or catch the recordings later, you'll learn a new skill with each session to help you become a better runner right away.

Get Just the Sessions you Want

or Get them All

Topics for Sprint Sessions are chosen by popular vote from members of the PR Team and subscribers to the free Planted Runner newsletter.  Examples are sessions on pacing, speed development, how to run intervals, master's running, mental strength, race fueling, and more.

Choose to get just the sessions you need or bundle and get them all for significant savings!

Want Free Access with Coaching?

All members of the PR Team and Coach Claire's private clients get the Sprint Sessions free with their memberships, a $199/year value. 

Coach Claire

Coach Claire has helped hundreds of real runners chase their dreams and conquer what they never thought possible. Her coaching philosophy combines science-based training, plant-based running nutrition, and proven mindset techniques to unlock every runner's true potential.

She's a certified running coach, sports nutrition specialist, mom, and borderline obsessive plant lover.

As an athlete herself, she went from a 4:02 first marathon all the way to a 2:58 finishing time at the age of 42, entirely plant-based.

Real runners.

Real results.


The PR Team gives me inspiration and motivation for sure! I love reading what community members have been up to, go through or achieved, and I love that I can share my runs and get a response from fellow runners who emphasize and have great advice.

Karen // Half Marathon


Being part of this running community is a source of constant inspiration and motivation. The shared passion for running creates a supportive network, fostering camaraderie and a sense of belonging. Celebrating achievements together and overcoming challenges as a community enhances the overall joy and fulfillment of my running experience. Our Coach is a rock star!😎

David// Marathon


This group has given me someone to talk to about running so I don’t drive my husband crazy. It’s also given me some extra speed. Thank you for all you do for us Coach!

Sara // Half Marathon


I feel very lucky and fortunate to be a part of this team and plan to renew for another year very soon. I'm grateful to have a coach who is intuitive and knowledgeable (I know I'm in good hands), that I've made new friends along the way (who all want to talk about running! πŸ™ŒπŸ»), and I love the support this group provides me during both my highs and lows as a runner. I am looking forward to 2024, continuing to grow both physically and mentally and, hopefully, avoid getting injured. There is still so much to learn, and I can't wait to continue clocking those miles/kilometers with all of you!

Vanessa // Half Marathon

Reserve Your Sprint Session Today

Each Sprint Session is just $44 or bundle 6 sessions for $199, a $64 savings!

Next Live Session:

April 25, 2024, 12pm ET

* Limited live seats available
