Well that was fun! Today I was the rabbit for the Girls on the Run 5K at UNC Asheville. I had reached out to volunteer in some capacity a few weeks ago and Robin had the perfect job for me. The course was 3.75 laps around campus so my job was to make sure that the girls got the laps counted right and peeled off to the finish line at the right time.
I brought my kids with me so they could be a part of the action, even though they are too young to race. They volunteered by picking up the beaded necklaces that the girls wore to count laps. Every time the runners lapped the “Aim for the Stars” station, they would toss one of their three necklaces at the star sign and the volunteers would scoop them up. Tess loves everything girly and was covered in bling when I came to get her!
There were a few fast girls and one named Evan stuck with me the whole way. She never stopped for water, only slowed slightly up the big hill, and raced me into the finish line at 24:32! She did an amazing job! She’s the one in the blue headband behind me.

It was inspiring to see thousands of people out there running for such a great organization. I definitely plan to be a part of this again and can’t wait until my daughter is old enough to join in!